July 9, 2022

The Profound Impact of Donating to a Charity

To truly achieve an equal world on the basis of kindness, we need to embrace our global community and practice charity. Charity is one of B kind’s greatest values, as it assists the less fortunate and develops mutual connections through donations and generosity. Additionally, donating to a charity allows us to find community in unique, benevolent ways. However, we understand that it may be difficult to get started. Below, we will address how you can get involved with charities, and why your impact matters. 

The key to successfully finding your charity is figuring out what matters most to you. Are you passionate about ending world hunger? Establishing equal rights? Rehabilitating the environment? Aiding animal welfare? While all of these causes are pertinent and need charitable assistance, it may be beneficial to choose one and expand later. Focusing on one charity at a time ensures that your full attention and care are provided. 

Once you’ve chosen your charity, visit their website to see how you can best assist. For example, B kind currently highlights the charity Morgan’s Message. Morgan’s Message focuses on mental health within the student-athlete community. Through donating to Morgan’s Message, you are assisting the charity’s educational program and podcast, which emphasize the importance of normalizing mental health dialogue in sports. These resources allow students to empathize with their peers and deconstruct the stigma against mental health discussions in sports. Profound impacts like these are the direct influence of your donations. 

Still, your charitable actions don’t need to end with donations. Many charities offer various methods of humanitarianism, such as volunteering, fundraising, hosting food drives, and even partnering your own business with them. These events allow you to give back to your charity, but also meet new people with the same passion for change. Collaborating with these like-minded peers gives you the opportunity to organize events and reach a greater audience. You can increase your influence through newspapers, posters, or even public announcements. Be creative!  

At B kind, we proudly promote our Four Elements of Kindness. Our second element, Kindness to Community, helps students to develop awareness about all the benefits of kindness. There are countless ways to be kind, and this quarterly element covers just a few! Aside from donating to a charity, we suggest participating in community cleanups or setting up fundraising events, such as car washes. Additionally, these events can collect resources, like food or clothing for future donations. Finally, we suggest showing kindness through volunteering at programs such as senior care services, children’s sports, or even tutoring! All of these actions uplift your community and create a great impact.

By donating to a charity, you ensure a positive change in the world. Finding your passion within charity is incredibly beneficial to the global community and encourages wellness across the world. Implementing charity in your daily life supports B kind’s mission of changing the world, one act of kindness at a time. 

To learn more about B kind’s mission, visit our website at BKind.today or email us at [email protected]. 

For more information about Morgan’s Message, visit MorgansMessage.org.Â