Club In A Box
At your school, find out the requirements for starting a club.
Ask a faculty member to be your advisor. If it works better at your school, you can have co-advisors.
Create an Executive Committee of your peers which consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Event Organizer, Social Media / Public Relations. Executive positions/duties can be combined if there are not enough individuals for full committee.
Complete all required forms -
The "B kind Club Application"

The clubs will structure around the “Four Elements of Kindness”. The four elements coincide with the four quarters of the year.
It is suggested that your club do one activity per quarter/element during the year.
• Element One: KINDNESS TO SCHOOL - This takes place in the first quarter.
• Element Two: KINDNESS TO COMMUNITY - This takes place in the second quarter.
• Element Three: KINDNESS TO FAMILY - This takes place in the third quarter.
• Element Four: KINDNESS TO SELF - This takes place in the fourth quarter.
You will be engaged in a network of peers who share your enthusiasm for spreading kindness and creating a culture of kindness within their school and community.
It’s time to …
• RECRUIT YOUR MEMBERSHIP - Get your school community to come on board and begin to help you spread the word.
• GETTING THE WORD OUT - Brainstorm ideas regarding how to introduce your club to your school and community.
• Have a CLUB BOOTH at your school’s club fair. Set up an eye-catching display, B kind can supply you with banners and brochures. You can also get B kind products to sell.
• SOCIAL MEDIA – Generate interest by forming a social media group.
• Create and hang POSTERS around school advertising club. Posters may have topics such as …
- The benefits of membership
- The mission of the club/foundation
- Suggestions of acts of kindness
- Health benefits of being kind
- Kindness with words not just actions (explains the difference i.e. choose your words carefully to be kind).
• B kind PRODUCTS - Promote the sale of the products to spread the word and the sponsored charities.
• Kick off the new school year and B kind club with a simple BAKE SALE OR BAKE GOODS GIVE-AWAY. Have each committee member bake / buy simple cupcakes, cookies etc. and give them away with B kind information about your club … spreading kindness and creating a buzz. You can also use B kind products i.e.: wristbands.
• For a healthier option, you could hold a FRUIT / WATER STAND. Handing out apples, oranges/clementines, bananas, etc. with B kind merchandise i.e.: pencils, wristbands, brochures, and note cards.
• Place advertisements or an article in your SCHOOL’S NEWSPAPER promoting the new club and how people can join.
• Hold an INFORMATION SESSION, to provide potential members with information about the club and answer any queries without people feeling obligated to join (informal meeting).
• ESTABLISHING YOUR “KINDNESS” CALENDAR - Brainstorm ideas for events/activities to be held for each school quarter, highlighting the elements/theme for the quarter. Once you’ve chosen your events/activities create a calendar (list of dates) that can be distributed to your school community. Click on the “FOUR CORE ELEMENTS” above to see examples of possible events/activities for each quarter.