August 9, 2022

Spread Positivity One Step at a Time By Being Kind To Others

Being kind to others in this day and age may seem like a distant memory. From negative attitudes in the world all the way to cyber bullying, kindness seems to be disappearing. At B kind, we’re here to tell you that it’s not. Being kind is one of the easiest ways to not only make someone else happy but yourself as well. Especially now, kindness is of its utmost importance. If you’re ever struggling to find ways to be kind (particularly when you’re in a horrible mood), here are some ways to bring a smile to your and others’ faces. 

Tell someone ‘good morning’; yes, we know that it seems like the bare minimum but we promise it could make someone’s day the minute they wake up. A ‘good morning’ doesn’t just mean having a great day; it also means that someone is thinking about you. So, when sending that simple text, it will remind them just how grateful you are to have them in your life. It’ll ensure that their day kicks off to a good start and it will bring both of y’all closer together. ( yes, being kind to others is that simple!)

Starting a conversation: yet another thing that may seem quite basic. Whether you know it or not, most times you can’t recognize if someone is in a bad mood. It’s become quite common to push emotions and feelings deep down inside instead of talking about them. Fake smiles have become the norm. When you’re so in your head sometimes it’s better to be able to talk to someone, even if it’s not about why you’re upset. So, starting a conversation with someone could really make a difference in their day. Creating real smiles and laughs in someone is a feeling like no other. In fact, maybe that one little conversation is what saves their life. 

If you don’t know how to start a conversation, no problem! One thing you can do is grab some flowers from a field or a shop and take them to your local mall, parking lot, grocery store, etc., and pass them out. When people stop to grab one, you can introduce yourself, explain that you’re handing these out for free and try to get to know a little bit about the person in front of you. It’s a great way to not only meet people but a fantastic way to make people smile. They’ll go home and talk about it with their friends and family all day (like c’mon, free flowers?!). 

It’s important to understand that being kind to others doesn’t necessarily mean buying expensive gifts or donating hundreds of thousands of dollars. Sometimes just a simple text or hug is what can change someone’s entire day. Here at B kind, we want everyone to understand that. Our mission is to bring the world together and create a place where everyone can feel safe and be happy. If you’re ever unsure about ways to be kind, check out our website to get some fun and simple ideas! Â