April 16, 2023

Encouraging Random Acts of Kindness

B Kind is all about encouraging acts of kindness in our everyday lives. We want to make even the smallest acts of kindness worth recognizing. If someone is kind, that can change someone’s life. Just a small act can go a long way. You never know what anyone is going through and this small act could be the pick me up that they need.

Everyday Actions

Just imagine, you are getting in line for a morning coffee which you always get. But this morning it is a little harder to get up because it is Friday. It has been a long week and all you can think about is that in 9 hours, you will be able to enjoy your weekend. We all have been there before. As you pull up to the window the lady working there says “The person in front of you paid for your coffeeâ€. After you hear those words, what are you thinking? You can’t help but smile, and you might even say, “I will pay for the person behind meâ€.

The day that you were not looking forward to now is a little better. This little act of kindness made their day a little brighter. This is the mission of B Kind. We know that even something small can make an impact. Now we have a company that wants to make this impact become the norm for everyone’s daily life.

Small Adjustments in Life

We know that making this a normal part of your life might be challenging. Once you make this a normal part of your routine it becomes easier and easier to give random acts of kindness in different ways. A random act of kindness can be something as small as smiling at the person in front of you or giving an unexpected compliment. This is something so simple but can change how someone is feeling for the day (or week!).

Now if you want to make an impact in a different way, you may do so by clicking here. We support charities every year.

Our Mission and Goals

Your donations go towards funding the charities the foundation supports yearly as well as special projects. Our store has a wide variety of products and generous direct donations make this all possible. In 2022, we supported Morgan’s Message which was a charity that strives to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the student/athlete community and equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics.

Choosing a charity each year lets us fulfill our mission of encouraging acts of kindness. B Kind encourages these acts but we also have options where you can donate to the charity that we choose for the year. Right now, order something from the store or make a donation and you will be entered to win a swag bag. This bag includes B Kind and Morgan’s Message merchandise.

B Kind wants to help create an impact so you can do these small acts of kindness. A random act of kindness is something that no one will expect. Doing these acts will make everyone a little more happy than they originally were. Take a journey through the rest of our website to learn more about B Kind. We look forward to seeing your impact with these small acts of kindness.